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Martial Palestinians Destroy Israel

Diposting oleh story my life On 14.56
A brutality that is the earth that this be pitied many parties. Israel condemned by the nation's many parties. A nation that dastardly and barbaric.

Israel should be destroyed and we must be destroyed from the earth. A nation that does not know himself. Nations that violate human rights and violate the rules - rules of war.

Come on people we all Muslims to support Palestinian and Israeli opponents.

Indeed, since our nation in time of the Prophet israel is cursed. And people of Jewish descent (israel) will not enter Paradise.

Do you see no pity our Palestinian brethren such?

And I disappointed over a lack of UN action skillful handling of this problem. What is the intervention of state authorities such as the United States is hypocritical?

I only ask all people of the world avenge destroy Israel and Palestine

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1 Response to 'Martial Palestinians Destroy Israel'

  1. Anonim Said,

    maunya mang di musnah kan tuh israel keparat


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