Aids. . .
That is a disease that until now, no medicine in the world. The Sciences concluded that theAIDScome from african. Until the current outbreak has spread or outbreak of disease around the world that is terrifying.
The disease can be transmitted from person to person, which comes from the fluid that is ada.example from semen, breast milk, liquid vagina, and others - others. The disease can be transmitted also because of ancestry, who many or power - replace the pair dating, syringes made drugs, and blood transfusion.
The disease has swallowed many people in the world. Each year people can turn to the more than 25 million. Penalties for people with this disease is very heavy to suffer social death penalty, especially people who received this disease may be far from the community.
And one small proof that aids people with the disease is not fun and harm to himself and also harm other people. Its not try - try!
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