Huh .... was first blogger's friend I .... I am about to be blogger award, because I play a long time I played blogger waiting fastest guys come ...
I say thank you, which is - the amount to Nessya
Past Give me a blogger award. And I say to all friends - people who give advice to the criticism ... me
Bang Edi
guruku which is always good advice given to my blog. And he has suggested that entry into the world of blogs.
Bang Iqinmy brother which is also giving advice to the blog, and I was also given a big enough spirit in myself to improve my blog again.
And friends - people of all I thank my ......................
wow selamat ada yang dapat award, heuhue mana bagian ku yah =))
selamat ya
Blog mu mantaps Bro :D huehue...!! sayangnnya di aku cobx ini di blog sama isp kayaknya bang :D ini pesan error di shoutbox ini mungkin cuma di aku ajah isp blokir tuh shoutbox
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www4.cbox.ws/box/?
mavv dek klo awardnya jeleg .
i'm just an amateur editor :|
meooonngg kemana yah meong satu ini kok sepi ajah disini :D