Months of Japanese increasingly jittery about the situation after the genti affected Shot
Date Oct. 14, 1945, the movement of the Japanese army headquarters Kido Butai in Jatingaleh (now used as headquarters RPKAD) as the initial Battle of Five Day started in Semarang. Formation ready to combat the Japanese army is:
Combat troops from the children fruit Mayor Yagi, as many as 472 people
Company cannon, led by Captain Fukuda, 66 people
Company 9, led by Captain Motohiro, as many as 155 people
Company 10, led by Captain Nakasima, as many as 155 people
Reserves, led by Captain Yamada, as many as 101 people
Movement formation of Japanese meyerang Semarang is as follows. Mayor Yagi will be left with the task of the target BKr Headquarters, Police, Jalan Pemuda, the left and right road and then maintain security in the area. Company 9, and 10 computers will move to the right with the main target of the prison Mlaten, trade school and continue to Demak.
Of course pegerakan of Japanese resistance is to get all the people of Semarang. Semrang where there are great matches. The fighter unite to maintain the independence that has been achieved until the final point of blood. According to historical records, calm hostilities on 19 October 1945. By the Indonesian nation, the events as the Battle That Five Days in Semarang.
bgus rez,,,critanya,,,lam knl yw
tak kirain tadi ada pertempuran di Semarang. ternyata menceritakan sejarah tempoe doloe tho...he..he..