* Leaderboard, usually in pairs paa the top of the web page
* Banner (leaderboard similar but smaller)
* Wide Scycrapper and Scycrapper, usually in pairs on the left or the right of page
* Square, meidum rectangel, and large rectangel, usually in pairs at the beginning or middle of the article.
For more details please go to this address under the d:
https: / / www.google.com / adsense / AdFormats
Options border color and have a lot of text. We can choose the other and adjust to our web page. However, in general, type in the palette around more like adsense publisher and visitors.
We can install a maximum of 3 pieces Adsense For Content in every page of our web. Google will read the text found in the pages on which we serve Google ads, and they will automatically adjust the clan that the show.
So if we write about the Internet business, Google will display advertising one-way. We also can filter out ads that do not comply with our web category.
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