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Hidayah Come Has

Diposting oleh story my life On 16.59
The readers will tell me a little HIDAYANG THAT HAVE BEEN DATANG on akan hidupku.Dan I thank the Djarum Djarum BLACK IN NEWS and that this was a race to help me express my heart through the contents of the articles I've created this. I was a man - a man bergama islam but I can only consider Islam KTP only. Because I've never been to berbidah GOD SWT. Every day I can only cheers - cheers, drunk - mabukan, and berjudi.Memang behavior is inappropriate men - men bag for men - aged men like me. I was a male aged 15 years, the readers certainly will not believe the things I do. But the evidence such as that. I think the behavior that I do because of my association with friends - my friends are unprincipled - and not infrequently roguish age even older than me.

The night I sit in front of the terrace house, and I think to change my bad behavior with this how to find a friend and loyal sholeh vary. That is my first Hidayah to indicate that the road was straight back into melenceng. The next day my initiative to find friends like I thought earlier that evening .. Finally my friend to get what I want and that is the second hidyah can say that. My friend is named Faris (fictitious name). He was a studious child who is praying and he can guide me. Today is my first lecture given to the topic easy way to do smth worship. In fact this first dihari difficult to say meninggalakan friend - my friend who prankish - prankish that. Dihari second bimbing me to do in prayer 5 times. And slowly say can evade friend - my friend scapegrace that. Day by day and a half hours to walk Alhamdulillah I have been diligent worship, prayer 5 times terjalani sure, even now I am now teaching in the night around - approximately 21:00 hrs - 23.00. That is the short story Hidayah THAT HAVE BEEN DATANG to me and I will not forget history. I will be grateful to GOD that SWT has given to me Hidayah. And do not forget my friend who called faris thanks very much.

Conclusion is find a friend soleh because you certainly can also be sholeh and if you bereman with scapegrace sure you will be unprincipled.

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  1. Anonim Said,



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