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Politics Revolutionary flush

Diposting oleh story my life On 20.03
The first phase of President Sukarno government (1945-1959) painted revolutionary spirit, and met political and security crisis. Yet even one year follow presidential system as mandated the 1945 Constitution, the government Bung Karno skid to the semi-parliamentary system. Parliamentary government first and the second led by Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir. Sjahrir government by PM Muhammad Hatta, which doubles the Vice President.

Bung Karno leadership continue to be under pressure from the military who want to restore the Netherlands penjajahannya, mutiny, armed rebellion, and competition between political parties. Meanwhile, parliamentary government fall-rise. Economic neglected because of long-larutnya political crisis.

Ironically, despite receiving parliamentary system, Bung Karno let the government running without a parliament, which is produced by the general election. All members of the House of Representatives (DPGR) and MPR (MPRS) appointed by the president of the party-political party formed by the Vice President of Information, 1945

By Agency Constitutional Assembly established the need to prepare a new constitution replaces the 1945 Constitution, Bung Karno approve of the 1955 elections, election of the first and only elections for a government Bung Karno. Election result in the four major parties, namely the winner PNI, Masjumi, NU and the PKI.

After the election, the Constitutional Assembly that drafted based on the results of elections, began meeting to prepare a new Constitution. However, the trial-trial hearing in Marathon for five years failed to reach agreement to set a new Constitution.

Recognizing that the country is in danger of disunity, with the support of Bung Karno Army, announced the edict on July 5th 1959. The contents; dismiss Agency Constitutional Assembly and to return to the 1945 Constitution. Since 1959 until 1966, Bung Karno ruled by decree, to win elections and the president himself as a lifetime.

Parliamentary government, which holds the Constitution in the meantime, also by the rise and fall motion does not believe. As a result, economic conditions helter-skelter. Meanwhile, leaders Masjumi and PSI involved in the rebellion PRRI / Permesta. Then, Bung Karno dismiss both the parties.

In the second phase of his leadership, 1959-1967, Bung Karno apply Guided Democracy. All members DPRGR and MPRS appointed to government support programs that focus more on politics. Bung Karno strive party-led political parties to the ideologisasi NASAKOM-National, Religious and Communists. Three main pillars of political parties that represent NASAKOM is PNI, NU and the PKI. Bung Karno up USDEK Political Manifesto. He build support from all NASAKOM strength.

However, in the midst of high political competition Nasakom that, in 1963, this nation successfully liberate West Irian from the Dutch cengkraman. At that time the Panglima Komando Mandala (Irja exemption) is Mayjend Soeharto.

1964-965 years, Bung Karno re-animate the spirit of revolutionary nation into war (confrontation) against the Federation of Malaysia supported the UK.

Meanwhile, the condition is, spread news about the disease, Bung Karno. Runyam the situation when the PKI Movement launched 30 September 1965. Tragedy murder seven Army general situation is causing chaos across the country. Political and security almost uncontrollable.

Recognizing these conditions, Bung Karno issue of command on March 11 in 1966 to General Soeharto. He General Soeharto as a Komando Security and Order (Kopkamtib) the duty to restore security and order. Control the first step made to let, in line with the people when it claims to the PKI. (More reading: let Related G-30-S/PKI?)

Bung Karno, after the bloody tragedy, asked for accountability at the special hearing in the MPRS 1967. Speech Bung Karno denied liability. Then let appointed as the President's Office. Let MPRS to be gazetted by the President Second, March 1968.

Meanwhile, economic development, during Indonesia's independence 22 years old, practical overlooked. Even if there is, economic development implemented sporadically, without a guide Budget. Development is done only by relying on Japanese war reparation funds.

Reparation funds from the war, the Bung Karno physical development, among others, the Hotel Indonesia, the bridge Semanggi, building stories, Senayan Stadium, Dam Jatiluhur, Ocean Beach Hotel, Hotel Ambarukmo Yogyakarta, Bali Beach and Sanur Beach in Bali.

Also start building MPR / DPR, Tugu Monas and the Great Mosque Istiqlal and the dirampungkan in the era of government let. Pure gold shoots in the Monas was called out 35 kilograms of only 3 kilograms, and then refined in the era of the New Order administration.

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