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Main Causes bring Inclusion Virus

Diposting oleh story my life On 17.21
The actual cause of the virus into the computer we are beerbagai kinds of things. But according to experts from the entrance to the computer virus because we bring.

Something you know flashdish. Is to bring the data storage media is now no longer a luxury in this country. Now it must take to bring the schools.

According to the article read say that the virus in 2008, has spread in Indonesia, more than 100 local virus.

Because the 2008 virus growing, the experts concluded that a 2009 virus that akn growing and still aksis.

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2 Response to 'Main Causes bring Inclusion Virus'

  1. Anonim Said,

    mosok seh....???


  2. Anonim Said,

    wah wah wah dah keluar jurus jurus englisnya meong bah :D xixix, tuk nekan trafik alexanya coba ikutan main saya juga itukutan tuh tapi pake blog lain. heheh, tapi content mesti bhs inggris dan asli, bukan copas an, kalo gak entrenya gak mau. Coba deh gak susah kok kalo dah turun tuh alexa dah mayan kan.


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